After realising that two Animorphs stars were on this supposed teen medico show, I immediately settled in to watch and shockhorror, I was in love with it by the credits. Now, me being the generous recapper that I think I am, I've decided to share a random episode of this now-defunct television gem, in all its Canadian, cheestastic glory. Without further ado, I present:

This here is Hank, our squad leader. Apart from being the token, he is also a star football player stuff. He's lumped under the label Super Squad by our antagonist, Caitie (more on her later) but I can't quite remember if he's actually as overachieving as Golden Girl Val. Oh, well. Moving on. (Hank may also be recognisable as the deceased Clay Carlin from the tame lesbo series, South of Nowhere.)
Val asks about this "unconscious adult male" they're rushing off to treat, and Hank says that somebody found him in the park and that he may be "hurt, sick or drunk". Let's hope he's drunk. Golden Girl emphatically says, "Oh maaan, I haaate theese caaalls." She's handed some gloves by Tyler, aka Jake from Animorphs, aka Iceman from the X-Men movies.

Suck-up Tyler tells her she doesn't have to do everything, and then offers up the squad to be at her service, without you know, consulting with the rest of the squad. Hank and Jamie should be all 'What, bitch? Hell no!' Alas, Val declines his offer, assuring him she's got everything under control, which sure you do. Who sees a stress-induced breakdown coming? As she says this, she's trying to stretch her shrunken sweater using a door to jam it while she pulls, so of course, she ends up on her arse and canned laughter abounds. Oh, the hilarity, y'all. It's practically slapstick! Brooke interrupts to tell them there's some kid who's hurt out the front. Super Squad to the rescue!

Hank asks if he hit his head, all the while appearing to molest him from behind, and Nick winces that it's his knee. He then asks who the damn hell this bunch of old-looking teens are and gets the 'duh! Super Special Teenaged Paramedics obvs!' answer. They help him to his feet and apparently, Jamie's been standing there, staring disdainfully at them the whole time. At least someone's sane around here.

The Super Squad comment on Nick being free of contusions and abrasions, but Nick is more interested in finding out what the hell is up with these supposed high-schoolers being allowed to act as paramedics. You go, boyfriend! He tells Brooke she only looks 14 and Brooke corrects that she's actually 12. The insanity! Nick claims he's 12 too but instead of being all 'You're 12 and you're the administrator of our town's paramedic service, that's just WACK!', he's more '...we're the same age...and stuff...let's get married...meep!' Brooke's thinking along similar lines, overbabbling that she just files reports and papers and confidential blahs and whatsits.

Nick's trying really hard, all "Reports? Sounds interesting!" Jamie snarks that it's the most thrilling part of their job, adding that Brooke will want a report on him now, but Nick's out of there because he's feeling much better. Back inside, Jamie and Hank agree on no paperwork because it wasn't a real call, but Brooke wants to know why Nick would've faked being hurt. Because he's got a dumb kid crush on you, dodo. Tyler mocks Nick's sucking-up, "Wow, you're 12? Me too!", which is rich, coming from Mr. Suck-Up himself. Brooke bossily sends them all off with some paperwork and then rounds on her sister, who still owes her paperwork from last week. Val hasn't had time to complete it yet though, on account of being both so damn busy and under control at the same time. Brooke: "Well, it's a little hard to ride Jamie when my own sister is behind on stuff." So. Dirty. Disney, I am appalled! Val buckles under her bossy sister's 'tude and promises to do it ASAP, adding it to her wrist-list.

He reckons something fishy is going on and turns his camera on Caitie as she enters the station. "Here we have proof of the unsavoury type seen entering the station." This kid, like me, needs a life.
Caitie walks into the ambulance bay to find Tyler, who immediately thinks she's there to see Val, who isn't actually at the station. Our Not-Goth chica already knows this, saying she came to see him but her attention is caught by a container of medical waste that Tyler is holding. She whines that she didn't need that before breakfast. "Breakfast? It's 1 o'clock," Tyler sucky-sneers. Caitie's all 'Some people sleep in, dickwank!' but her hair is distracting me with its own dickwankiness. Caitie lets slip the 'Super Squad' term and calls them uptight, and Tyler is strangely more insulted by the tame name-calling and not by the fact that he's apparently uptight, returning to her: "Goth sloth." Oh, um...snap?
Caitie doesn't care enough to bicker with the Golden Boy, so she cuts to the chase and says she's worried about Super Val and her un-Super-ness lately. Tyler's all 'It's Daddy Val coming home and she's just stressed' but Caitie wants to know why Val didn't forgo the game and why did she blow her mid-term and why did she walk around with her shirt hanging out yesterday?! In the world of Disney, this is a tried and true sign of someone on the verge of a mental breakdown. Tyler agrees that she needs to slow down and Caitie whines that Val's not listening to her when she advises her to do so.
Tyler: "Well, what did you say?"
Caitie: "Uh...'slooow dooown'? Basic English. You know, I'm different not stupid."
Tyler: "You know what?! Take. It. Easy! I thought you were worried about Val!"
Talk about whiplash mood swing! I don't even understand that line reading! And then Caitie hangs her head like she was in the wrong about something and I don't get it anymore and Tyler is PMS-ing, okay? We'll leave it at that. Caitie wants Tyler to talk to Val, reasoning that maybe he could get through to her: "You know, perfect person to perfect person?" Stop feeding his sucky ego! He says he'll try, adding in true suck-uppy tones, "Anything for Val." Gag. Me. Caitie concedes that "since she likes you so much, she might actually listen" before heading off, leaving Tyler to sputter "Really?! Really?!? Why?!? What did she say!??!?!?!?" Caitie understandably ignores him.
Now we're at Val's, where the rest of the Super Squad are helping to clean her yard, while Val practices her new awesome salsa violence cheer. I'll spare you the dialogue.
Val finally decides that Brooke can make the card and she can get the gift (*bows* Thank-you, thank-you). Then she runs off to get the laundry, prompting Tyler to note that Caitie was right: "Val doesn't stop." Well, if running off to get laundry when you were in the middle of a conversation is indication that you're horrendously busy and non-stop stressed out, then FUCK YOU, DISNEY! I'M THERE EVERYDAY! Hank bitches that Tyler should stop standing around watching Super Val go crazy and actually help, seeing as he's the one who volunteered them to this round of slave labour. Tyler apologises, explaining he's been wanting a chance to talk to Val, to which Hank suggests he take the lawn for a turn and he'll let him know when Val's "open" talking, that is. Say it with me: dirty! On cue, Val returns from her laundry-ing so Hank glums that "she's open". Open like a dirty, dirty whore.
Tyler bounds over like the foolish puppy he is and tells Val to take a break, which she takes as a hint that they all want some lemonade, so she offers to go make some. Golden Boy's all 'bitch ffs!' Val wishes there were 28 hours in a day, as this would help her to relax some. Jamie arrives on his motorcycle, looking very not-16-years-old. He slept in and is late, but Val doesn't mind because she realises that him even turning up is a huge favour. He blah-blahs something about doing inventory at the station the previous night so that's one less thing Val has to do. They stare at him in amazement. Why such a suck-up, Jamie? Stop taking Tyler's one definitive character trait!
Val thanks him but he insists it was fun (because he's suddenly brain-damaged, obvs) and tells them he stole some expired IV bags, which he likes to drop from the top of buildings. Only Disney could make felony sound so lame. Hank realises he's still the only one working, so he abandons post to come join the party. Val spouts the merits of Jamie again and Hank declares him a "true friend". Nooooooooo! Jamie, stop, retreat! Don't fall for the Golden Super-ness!!!
Val reckons she can get the whole yard done in one day and tells the guys they can go home because they've done so much already. She slyly adds that she doubts they could keep up with her anyhow and someone just slap her one upside the head please! Tyler falls for it, because he's a sucker as well as a suck-up.
This is a suck-up sucker being sucked in.
Time for some more wacky hilarity and slaptick-y hijinks! It's the FAST-FORWARDED MONTAGE !!!
Apparently, they work themselves so hard with raking and weeding that they all fall asleep at their next EMS shift. Nosy Nick is back snooping at the station, shoving his camera through the window to film all the sleeping not-teens. "Proof that it's a teen crash pad paid for with our tax dollars," he narrates before falling into the dumpster bin he was standing on. Bossy Brooke sees this and runs outside to berate him. She notices that his hand is bleeding and he's all 'ew, blooooooood, puke' except without the puke part. I find it interesting that they don't have a follow-up episode wherein Nick contracts tetanus or flesh-eating bacteria from cutting himself open while in the microbe-filled dumpster bin. She bossily orders him inside to fix him up just as the contrived alarm sounds, waking our not-teens to their next call, all so Nefarious Nick can stare at them heading into action.
The call turns out to be a pregnant woman giving birth on the sidewalk. Or, footpath, as I should say. Damn, these (faux-)Americanisms. She's doing the worst impression of a person in labour I have ever seen. Val kneels in front of her legs and starts Lamaze breathing for her. The woman's baby bump looks like a large sack of flour under her clothes, probably because it is. This is so unconvincing. Jamie reports that the actual paramedics are busy on another call (Seriously? One set of actual adult paramedics in this whole town?! How is that legal?!) and they want the not-teens to take the woman into hospital.
The woman starts screaming and grabbing onto Tyler's arm, which makes him scream too, because he's a little girly sucker. He squeals: "Lady! You're squeezing my arm!" Tyler needs to work on his bedside manner. The woman asks Hank if they can make it to the hospital in time, and Val, who's had her head up the woman's legs, says in panic, "Hank! The baby's CROWNING!" Jamie starts spazzing out right there and that woman must be feeling so assured right about now. See, this is why you don't let teens become paramedics.
Hank tells her that they'll have to deliver the baby right now and she screams - from sheer horror or from a contraction, it's hard to tell. Tyler is still squealing every time she squeezes his arm, lapsing into this kind of funny Lamaze breathing of his own.
Back at the station, Nitwit Nick is still filming the interior of the station, noting that there is "no chaperone" (and only then do I notice Alex's absence in this episode). Brooke comes back from whatever the hell she was doing (the station's director, I presume. Oh, Alex, really?) and asks what he's up to. He whirls around knocking his Backpack of Contrivance, which of course spills forth notes and footage of his exposé on the not-teens, now entitled: "Time bomb for tragedy." Kid's got a ways to go, obviously. He says that he's aiming to be the youngest reporter on 20/20, to which Brooke rolls her eyes, so he reluctantly admits that it's a school assignment. Brooke tells him there's no scandal to be found here at the station (except, of course, her ladder-climbing rooting of the station director). Nick: "Hello? Where are the adults? Everyone knows you can't trust kids." Amen, boyfriend. Brooke tells him that he is "sooo, waaay, wrooong" and that he'd better get his facts right if he wants to write about the squad. Well that settles it, doesn't it?
Brooke PSAs that kids all over the country have been doing this for 30 years as we pan back to the sidewalk birth. Jamie is such a failure of an EMT. Val announces that the head is out and uses one of those turkey baster syringes to suction the goop from the baby's orifices. Tyler is holding her head. And still Lamaze breathing. I don't know why, because she's no longer grabbing his arm. He's just special, let's leave it at that. One more push and "she's out." What-the-fuck-ever. They show the turkey baster but they don't show any instrument for cutting the umbilical cord? Need I say the baby looks waaay too big to be a newborn? And, freakily, there's still a crowd of bystanders just staring at this woman's vage like she's an exhibitionist street performer.Brooke's PSA is still droning on and on about the greatness of not-teens like her sister and Hank and maybe Tyler and not so much Jamie, and how many people are alive today because of them. You know Brooke's gonna claim she was delivered by not-teen EMTs next. No-sense Nick is now completely brainwashed, all pro-teen EMTs. Nooooo! I used to know you, man! As the woman and her baby are carted off into an ambulance, Tyler happily exclaims that he just saw life! Amazing! Life! Val agrees but it's her penultimate scene and you know that breakdown I predicted? She starts sobbing: "I'm fine, except I don't know why I'm crying!" Oh hai there, menopause! Then, she becomes upset over her overemotional response and storms away, but Tyler assures her that it's all okay and that she just needs to cut herself some slack. How many times has this been suggested to her this entire ep? So. Tedious. Tyler reveals that he and Caitie were bitching about her behind her back.
Val: "You talked to Caitie about me?"
Tyler: "We were trying to help."
Val: "Well, don't! I'm the one who helps! And shows up! And comes through!"
Girl has a superiority complex of some sort, obviously. Tyler asks if she plans on saving her dad and saving the team and saving the world too? What about the cheerleader? What about SAVING THE CHEERLEADER?! Everyone knows you can't save the world unless you save the cheerleader, gosh!Tyler says something nonsensical about not wanting to lose her to the brick wall she's going to hit. Val harks back to the maybe-drunk in the park at the beginning of the ep, hypothesising that it could have been her dad. She reveals that she often gets flashbacks about the heart attack and starts to blubber again. PTSD! PTSD!
Why didn't Disney address her PTSD?!

Tyler proves his shitty bedside manner some more with contrite lines and forced sympathy.
Then he reverts back to being a suck-up, which he does a lot better. "I was scared too," he grins inappropriately. Like, ZOMG! We have so much in common! Let's get married! He wants her to know that day or night, whatever happens, through rain, hail or shine, he? Will be there. Always. And forever. And ever. And ever ever. And ever infinity. And inifinity squared. And times a hundred billion. Because he? Is a suck-up. Val smiles and cries and laughs and cries and makes faces and thanks him for cheering her up.
Finally, back at the station again and Val has seen the Error Of Her Ways. She's trying to wash the list off her wrist to no avail. Did she use permanent marker? Even that eventually comes off with enough scrubbing. Oh, who knows and who cares at this point. Tyler offers up some goop that can supposedly un-green a frog. If that frog wanted to be the MJ of frogs, that is.
Val says that she's not going to be cheering at the game. You might want to tell Caitie, as she was the one who kept pushing that at you. Tyler proclaims her wrist MJ-ed! Just as they settle in for a round of D&M mugging at each other, they're interrupted by Brooke and her new boytoy, Noob Nick (what will the station director say, Brooke? You hoor!). He's given up on uncovering a scandal at the station, as he's now been brainwashed to believe that there isn't one. Instead, he's going to release a mouse into the school cafeteria and then 'expose' the dirty school lunch scandal. What a tool. Val snorts in laughter and we're out!
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