* borrowed from Marlie because she makes up awesome words
** okay, not that really overdue at all because only one person has really asked that I blog something again but I'm on a squee high so my ramblings were going to come spewing out anyway and what better place to ramble and create run-on sentences than here!
** okay, not that really overdue at all because only one person has really asked that I blog something again but I'm on a squee high so my ramblings were going to come spewing out anyway and what better place to ramble and create run-on sentences than here!
So...where do I even start?
"Hey, Roomie." aka The Ship that Restored My Faith in Shipping

- being roommates. Hello, Unresolved Sexual Tension, my sparky little friend...
- Neela marrying Michael
- Michael getting blown up by a bomb
- Neela being in no state to date, but having no qualms about jumping Uncle Jesse from Full House
- Uncle Jesse. And then Uncle Jesse. And also, Uncle Jesse
So, it was Neela who really kept them from getting their freak on for a while there but I completely forgave her on account of a) her being so damn adorable, and b) unresolved sexual tension sells a non-couple like hotcakes. As their last season together came to an end, sparks of a Reela coupling started to show and then, all of a sudden, they were making out in the car and being awkward at work and making mix CDs and having D&Ms at a wedding.
It was too good to last though and my poor Reela-shipping heart should've known that sadistic writers are never happy until the audience is left broken and devastated. At said wedding, Ray went all stupid-white-male and Uncle Jesse went all Uncle Jesse TOTHETOOLYMAX! and Neela did that wishy-washy hem-haw flail-so-helpless-flail thing that had been done to death and ALONG CAME A GIGANTIC TRUCK TO SQUISH RAY! Goodbye, Ray's legs. Hello, Gimpy McDoubleAmputee. Goodbye, Reela. Hello, Bitter, Fractured, Tortured Friendship No Longer. Goodbye, Uncle Jesse. I said, goodbye, Uncle Jesse!
And that was it. Ray left because he was broken in every way possible (and out of contract), Neela went and got herself trampled on because that girl just doesn't know when to quit with the disasters, and Uncle Jesse eventually shacked up with another co-worker because he is a whore. Neela's character continued to flail ever more helplessly as the 14th season played out and with the writers' strike and plans to wrap up the show, the Roomies looked all but dead.
"But then, this great thing happened. Maybe the best thing ever." - Gordon Bombay, D3: The Mighty Ducks.
By the time I was actually proclaiming myself a Reela fan, the established ones had already mounted a campaign to save their beloved Roomies. They used every opportunity to remind TPTB of the massive fuck-up that was the Ray and Neela storyline (in the nicest way possible) and along the way, caught the attention of various industry insiders. When even the two actors behind the characters (one who no longer even worked for the network) noted that Reela was unfinished, the head honchos could no longer ignore the mess they'd created and plans for Ray's comeback were set into motion.
Last Thursday, Ray (and his snazzy prosthetic legs) re-appeared in the ER for the first of two episodes and the Roomies left everyone else on the show for dead, so great was their chemistry. Words cannot describe how freakin' excited I was to see them again and yes, yes, I know that I am quite possibly certifiably insane, but if this is insane, then I don't want to be otherwise! Because even though Neela has the niggling issue of Uncle Jesse 2, aka Aussie Doctor's (who Marlie informs me, used to work at her second home, Jungle) affections, and even though Ray did the mature thing and didn't stay the night to give her the gimpy sex, and even though he's gone again and she's been left all lonely and depressed, this one episode made up for three seasons of frustration and shittiness. And for that, I forgive them for everything.

"Aussie Doc, meet Ray, my future husband...even if the writers don't know it yet."
Besides, they parted on a good (and bittersweet) note and Shane is coming back for one more episode and there is no way these two are going to end up apart. No. Fuckin'. Way. They just have to do the gimpy sex and get married and have adorable babies and stay together forever in canon because there can be no other way after all this time. Vote Reela. Vote Roomies.
But most of all, Vote Hot Gimp Sex.
1 comment:
i had to urban dictionary 'gimp'. i'm a bit embarrased by that. but i love your er obsesssion. and use of procrastiblog. and um, you!
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