It could've been so beautiful, Cedric. My third (ex?) husband could've done you justice.
Needless to say, Mr That Girl didn't get the role. But whatever, right? Cedric dies anyway! RPattz could have his 15 minutes of fame and be done with it and the fug would disappear. Yeah? Yeah?! Not so. Circa mid-2006, I chose to read a novel entitled Twilight based purely on the fact that the author, Stephenie Meyer (she of the whysofail?), selected Henry as the actor she felt could embody the male protagonist, Edward Cullen. Who happens to be a vampire. A vegetarian vampire. A 100something-year-old vegetarian vampire with old-fashioned sensibilities and, most importantly, the face of a god slash angel slash model slash everythingelseMeyerdeemstobeimpossiblybeautiful. That is to say, he is good-looking. As in, she (and that absolute twit of a main character, Bella) won't let you forget his AMAZINGBEAUTYOMIGAH*DIES*
So, time went by and the novel got optioned by film studios and whatnot and eventually, the lead female role (ie. TwitBella) was announced to have been won by a certain Kristen Stewart (who I may or may not have ditched Wife Kate for. I really can't remember. So many weddings, so little time). I love me some Kristen, she of the hott legs and husky voice, but that is a little besides the point. The big, gigantic, motherfuckin' point ("on this motherfuckin' plane!" as said exactly like Samuel L. Jackson, because when else am I going to be able to use that line?) here is that when the role of Edward was finally cast, despite author and fan support for Hubby Cavill, it ultimately went to that fugmo RPattz again. Now, I say once more that I am not like those obsessive freaks who dub themselves Twihards or whatever the fuck their moniker is, but it was a very bitter pill to swallow (and I am really not particularly good at swallowing pills in the first place, so as you can imagine, I was choking). Some who witnessed the moment I found out like to say that I exploded into a screaming fit, of rage blackout proportions (akin to those suffered exactly by Summer Roberts), but you really shouldn't believe everything people say.
"I could be here and now...I should be" (as sung exactly like Nick Drake).
But whatever, right? I mean, Edward is pretty much a controlling, obsessive, stalking, prude of a not!dead! boyfriend. I should be happy that Mr That Girl dodged that bullet, yeah? Yeah? Yeah...except for the part where Henry had also somehow managed to dodge bullets Superman, Batman and James Bond too, so this was yet another "You're not even a has-been. You're a never-was." moment (as said exactly like Coach Reilly). Then, there's the fact that RPattz shot to instant fame and fortune playing the roles of good-looking guys. Is it permanently Opposite Day now? Am I missing something? Is fugly really the new pretty? (Fug Girls, you are my heroes!)
And so lies the basis of my RPattz hatred:
- he is fug and he keeps playing hott ("What's it doing?...You ruins it!" as said exactly like Andy Serkis)
- he stole my (ex) husband's roles! ("...filthy little thieves!...They stole it from us!" as said exactly like Andy Serkis again. I flove Andy Serkis)
- he got to mack on my would-be wife, Kristen, before I did ("My precious!")
However, on the other side of the love-hate spectrum, I have grudgingly found RPattz (while quite possibly perpetually drunk or high or both) to be entertaining. I think Hollywood has yet to find another actor who readily 'fesses up to not washing his hair to the point where built-up residue can be misconstrued as styling product. And then helpfully shakes some dandruff out to demonstrate the state of his not-so-luscious locks. Then talks about watching pornos. And having a Buddha inhabiting his head, giving him answers to the questions of life. Most importantly, he admits that he is not good-looking enough to play Cedric or Edward! I can't completely hate someone who agrees with me, can I?
Then, there's Art. Well, there's Art and Daniel Gale, and while Daniel was just as delightfully eccentric and dorky, we're going to focus on Art. Art fits RPattz to a T and if ever there was going to be a niche for him, it would be these kinds of characters: weird, loner, misfit, possibly functionally-retarded goofs.
1 comment:
oh i hate you internet. it deleted my comment. but i was basically AMAZED at how you posted 10 times in november. because blogging is hard work! anyway did i tell you about the time i saw this girl with a twilight t-shirt she'd made? it had the ripped ribbon on it! like an actual ribbon on a black teee. i was in awe/terrified. also there were these other girls with like 'mrs. cullen' or whatevs on their shirts. i was scared. i'm at mum's friend's house, stealing internet from nearby hotel! but it keeps cutting out.
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