Friday, May 30, 2008

10.12pm Friday

And what am I doing at this happening hour? The night is still young, the possibilities still endless. Well, I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm sitting here. With a bunch of lecture notes in front of me. Going through actual lectures. Making my own notes.

That's right. I am studying. Because uni? Ruins lives. Like, I don't currently have a social life to speak of on account of imminent exams, but if there was one, uni would've ruined it. As it were, uni went straight to my actual life and dismantled it. Damn non-existent social life, for not being my buffer!

Also? 6 minutes into the fourth quarter of an Essendon game and we're only 9 points behind? How can this be?? Who the Hell is actually playing football on our team?!? Matthew Knights, you joker, you.

1 comment:

marlene. said...

i agree with the 2nd paragraph.
ali mentioned today that i always seem to be studying, even at not exam time, which has been actually REALLY FUCKING PATHETICALLY really quite true this year. its really sad to think about. but she gave me some heart shaped post its. so i forgave her.
and where has it gotten me? NOWHERE.
in conclusion, cramming is the way to go.

word verif: hwbig, as in HOW BIG? as in i dont know. my english, it deteriorates.