Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Three Rivers: Two Birds with the One Show

In news that greatly thrills me, US network CBS have picked up Three Rivers as part of their '09/10 TV schedule. As far as I know, Three Rivers revolves around transplant surgeons, donors and recipients. As far as I care, Three Rivers promises to combine very important elements from two of my religiously-viewed and recently farewelled shows (ER, The L Word): 'good' medical drama, and Kate Moennig. It can only help that ER's Justina Machado (aka Claudia Diaz, of 'Archie Morris + Claudia Diaz = red-haired, olive-skinned babiez!' fame) is also onboard, although if the stars had aligned a little more, oh, the possibilities...Parminder and Kate...on the same show...

The hotness would cause screens to combust. Except for the fact that I am devoted to the idea of Neela belonging only to the realm of the Roomies. Doesn't mean she can't share the screen with everyone's favourite androgynous whore though, I suppose.

Although there's a high chance Three Rivers won't last the distance and this time next year, CBS will be claiming it a bad memory, but until such a time arrives, I'm just hanging out to catch a glimpse of Doctor Shane - while not highly believable, the notion is at least highly amusing. LOLZ!

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